

今天來講 視訊會議常用到的英文 好了。不過很多句子用法在實體會議裡 (virtual了一年半我已經不知道要怎麼稱呼肉身親自出現參加的會議了) 也一樣可以用。

現在每天的生活都離不開視訊會議,就算進辦公室上班,也還有一半的同事在家上班,所以我也是從辦公室視訊開會。還有一天我跟老闆1:1,兩個人同時打開鏡頭一看,靠~ 你也在公司啊~ 那我去找你啦~ 我們都需要跟活人面對面一下啦! (寂寞到連老狐狸都好 🦊)




如果加入的時候已經有其他人先到在等了,那就簡單說個 Good morning, everyone. / Good afternoon.

如果在等人或是後面有人加入,也簡單說個 Hello + 人名 就好。

等人的空檔要不要聊天隨便,但是也要注意話題內容跟其他在場的人是不是有那麼熟。反正我就是超級入境隨俗都聊天氣 (阿不然運動賽事我不看的沒啥好聊)


There are some unfamiliar faces here today, so let’s do a quick round of introductions.


每間公司內外部會議跟不同機構Webinar使用的app都不同,我們公司之前用Skype現在用Teams,有些人用Zoom或是Cisco Webex,各種五花八門軟體都有,不見得大家都會用。開始開會如果擔心有人對使用的軟體不熟的話,可能要先解釋一下,基本的舉手發問功能、訊息對話框、以及對其他人發言的贊同跟鼓勵,或是提醒一下大家開會發言的規矩:

🔹If you have any questions during the meeting, the easiest way to let me know is to use the raised hand emoji.

🔹Don’t hesitate to let others know if you agree or like something that they said by using the clapping hands or a thumbs up.

🔹If you want to share your ideas and opinions, please let me know by sending a quick message in the chat.

🔹Please use the raised hand emoji or a comment in the chat if you would like to contribute to the discussion.


🔹I’m so sorry to interrupt but I’d like to ask a quick question.

🔹I hate to interrupt, but I’d like to add one more thing to what you said before we move on.

🔹I apologise for interrupting but I want to clarify something that you said.

🔹I’m so sorry for interrupting but I’d like to make sure I understand what you’re saying.

🔹I don’t mean to be rude but may I interrupt for a moment?

🔹May I ask a question quickly?

🔹I’m so sorry but before we move on, I’d like to add my thoughts on this topic.

🔹Excuse me. Can I jump in here for a moment?

🔹May I add something quickly?


🔹That’s a great question but I want to make sure we have time to get through our full agenda, so let’s come back to it at the end of today.

🔹Thanks for asking that question. I’ll make sure that we save time at the end of our meeting today to answer any questions that are outside of the agenda.

🔹That’s a really great question/idea/suggestion. Hold onto that thought because I’d like to come back to it at the end of the discussion today.

🔹We are almost at the end of the meeting, so let’s get through the last 2 items.

🔹I appreciate your comment. That's a really good point. Lets see what others have to say. (就是老娘撐不下去了快來救我啊~~~)


🔹Sorry, let me finish my thought and then you can go ahead.

🔹One moment please. I’d like to mention one more thing before we move on.


🔹I’m so sorry. You’ll have to forgive the noise in the background.

🔹Could you come back to me in a moment? I have to put myself on mute for a second.


🔹Bear with me for a moment. I seem to have lost my presentation slides.

🔹Please wait for a moment while I get ready to share my slides.

🔹I apologise for the wait. Please give me a moment so I can share my screen.

當然一陣忙亂後也要客氣謝謝大家的耐心等待:Thank you for your patience.


🔹I’m sorry. You’re breaking up.

🔹Your voice keeps breaking up.

🔹The sound of your voice is breaking up.

🔹I'm sorry, I can’t hear you properly.

🔹I’m sorry, something is wrong with your connection.

🔹I think there is some sort of interruption in the connection.

🔹The video feed is laggy.

🔹The video signal is lagging.

通常解決方法就是關掉視訊影像鏡頭減少頻寬用量,或是先暫時切斷公司的VPN連線 (但是這樣又會沒辦法收信或開公檔)

Maybe you can try to turn off your camera or disconnect from VPN?


Let me ring you straight back.

如果要提早離開會議,千萬不要默默就按下Leave~ 超沒禮貌的! 如果開會前就知道必須提早走,一定要一開始加入的時候就先跟主持人道歉一下:(也是提醒他安排一下順序跟時間,免得臨時要cue你找不到人)

I am sorry to / I hate to interrupt but I wanted to let you know that I have to get off our phone call a little bit early today.


🔹Excuse me. I must leave. I'll catch up with you later.

🔹Sorry I need to be somewhere else. Good meeting.

🔹Sorry, I need to be in my next meeting.

結束會議的時候,通常都要來個總結跟講點好聽話啦~ end on a high note 謝謝與會人士的時間跟付出是很重要的~

🔹Let’s go over the priorities…

🔹To summarise, we will…..

🔹To quickly recap….

🔹Thank you so much for your time, we’ve got a lot done today.

🔹Thanks everyone for coming, this was a fascinating discussion.

🔹I hope you all have a great weekend, I’ll see you next week.

🔹Have a great day everyone.


🔸Can you hear me okay?

🔸Can you see my screen?

🔸You are on mute. You are on mute!! YOU ARE ON MUTE!!! (語氣如此粗暴不用想也知道是我常拿來吼老狐狸的,他都會笑笑地說,我只是忘記開麥克風又不是聾了不用這麼大聲... 😸)

都一年半了還會忘記講話要開mic,只見視訊嘴巴在動卻沒聲音,碰到這種狀況可以自嘲地說:Ha! Classic!




